The Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter is the next- generation nanomechanical test instrument providing industry- leading sensitivity and unprecedented performance.
The TI 950 TriboIndenter has been developed as an automated, high throughput instrument to support the numerous nanomechanical characterization techniques developed by Hysitron.
The system incorporates the newly developed PerformechTM advanced control module, which greatly improves the precision of feedback- controlled nanomechanical testing, provides dual head testing capability for nano- micro scale connectivity, and offers unprecedented noise floor performance.
The numerous nanomechanical testing techniques currently offered, as well as new testing methods currently being developed, make the TI 950 TriboIndenter system an exceptionally versatile and effective nanomechanical characterization tool for the broadest range of applications.
TriboIndenter TriboIndenter TriboIndenter TriboIndenter TriboIndenter
美国Hysitron公司是位于美国明尼苏达州的一家专门致力于原位纳米力学测试系统的设计、生产和销售的公司。其独立系统设计的Hysitron TI-950型用于纳米压痕测试、纳米划痕测试、纳米摩擦磨损和原位SPM成像。主要应用于精确定位条件下的薄膜(包括厚度小于100纳米的超薄膜、多层复合膜、高分子聚合物膜、生物膜、润滑膜、抗磨损膜等)、多相材料、及其材料的本构/界面,金属材料,及其材料的晶面/晶界、类金刚石碳涂层(DLC)、半导体材料、MEMS、天然材料(包括骨、牙齿、血管等)、生物材料、科研材料等等各种各样的材料。不仅在nano水平上开展的力学行为特性的研究,还可以进行纳米尺寸上的机械加工。