



时间:2021-02-26      阅读:185

News Release

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January 6, 2020

2020 New Year's Greetings from the President

Increase Autonomy and Become Indispensable in the Global Market

The following speech was delivered by President and CEO Masahiro Miyazaki to all employees during his New Year greeting.

A Happy New Year to You All.

Under uncertainty on the global economic situation, 2020 will be a milestone year in which Hitachi High-Tech Group’s Head Office will move and change the company name. At the start of 2020, I would like to give you the following three key messages.

  1. Uphold the Hitachi High-Tech SPIRIT, Keeping the Ideals of Simple and Speedy in Mind
  2. Aim to Create Autonomous Decentralized Organizations While Ensuring Compliance
  3. Become Indispensable by Leading Specialized Markets and Increasing Our Social Value

1. Uphold the Hitachi High-Tech SPIRIT, Keeping the Ideals of Simple and Speedy in Mind

The corporate vision that we established last year, Simplify our customers' high-tech processes, expresses our commitment to provide solutions that are highly satisfactory for customers by taking the initiative to address the needs of contemporary society. Simplifying high-tech processes requires extremely sophisticated and complex technology and knowledge, of course, and taking action with a sense of speed is also absoluy necessary. This is why from this year we will start putting Digital Transformation (DX) into actual practice in an effort to transform and speed up our work processes. I would like everyone to raise the significance of the Hitachi High-Tech Group's existence by accuray providing the solutions needed by society and customers, while fully upholding the Hitachi High-Tech SPIRIT of Challenge, Openness, Speed, and Teamwork.

2. Aim to Create Autonomous Decentralized Organizations While Ensuring Compliance

In today's global market, the acumen of diverse and independent frontlines becomes crucial. Of course, "compliance" and "safety first," which are fundamental to all our business activities, must take precedence above all else. Accordingly, please take on your day-to-day work while adhering firmly to two commitments: "Never lie at work" and "Don't do what you don't want others to know at work." In addition to that, I would like you to aim to establish highly autonomous organizations in which everyone, especially the leaders of each organization, can respond to situations as the occasion demands. I hope that all of you will keep taking on challenges with the "courage to change and be changed" and an awareness that "doing nothing can result in loss."

3. Become Indispensable by Leading Specialized Markets and Increasing Our Social Value

Our 2021 Mid-Term Management Strategy sets out the management policy of being a "focused solutions company in global growth markets." This means that we will create specialized markets from within general markets and become indispensable there by grasping our customers' individualized and increasingly sophisticated challenges and providing solutions focused on those challenges. At the same time that we make our presence felt in global markets, it is also important to take a leap forward toward becoming a company with high social value. Companies that meet society's expectations throuusiness and fulfill their social responsibilities can be said to be companies with high social value that are needed by the world. To create a sustainable society, let's provide the Hitachi High-Tech Group's unique value to the world while always responding to social issues with a global vision.

For Media Inquiries

Kosuke Nishikawa, Emi Sato
CSR & Corporate Communications Dept., CSR Div.
: +81-80-9207-5949
: kosuke.nishikawa.yz

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