


RM 8671 Humanized IgG1κ Monoclonal Antibody

时间:2023-12-07      阅读:216

NIST RM 8671   人IgG 1κ单克隆抗体NISTmAb

英文名称:NISTmAb, Humanized IgG1κ Monoclonal Antibody


Safety: RM 8671   人IgG 1κ单克隆抗体 IS INTENDED FOR RESEARCH USE. RM 8671 IS NOT INTENDED FOR ANIMAL ORHUMAN CONSUMPTION, CLINICAL TESTING, OR THERAPEUTIC USE. As a general rule, personalprotective equipment should always be worn during any laboratory procedure. This includes, but is not limited to,safety goggles, gloves, and a laboratory jacket.

Storage: RM 8671  is shipped on dry ice and should remain frozen during shipment. The material should be stored in afrozen state at −80 °C immediately upon receipt. A series of stability samples were evaluated to determine the optimaland most extreme storage conditions under which the sample will likely retain its physicochemical performance for agiven method [9]. In all cases, storage of the material at −80 °C is preferred. If aliquot preparation and/or storage atother than −80 °C is necessary

RM 8671   人IgG 1κ单克隆抗体主要用于评估确定单克隆抗体的物理化学和生物物理属性的方法的性能。它还为开发用于治疗性蛋白质表征的新技术提供了一个具有代表性的测试分子。此 RM 可用于多种目的,包括系统适用性测试、确定方法或仪器性能和可变性、比较变化的分析测试方法以及协助方法鉴定。

 RM 8671 人IgG 1κ单克隆抗体NISTmAb (标准品)由一个内螺纹聚丙烯冷冻管组成,其中含有 800 µL 10 mg/mL NIST IgG1κ 单克隆抗体 (NISTmAb),溶于 12.5 mmol/L L-组氨。酸、12.5 mmol/L L-组氨。酸 HCl (pH 6.0) )。

东莞市百顺生物科技有限公司是NIST的代理商,专业代理NIST  RM 8671   人IgG 1κ单克隆抗体 标准品。




上一篇: ERM-CZ110 细粉尘标准品细颗粒材料 下一篇: SRM 998 血管紧张素 I标准Angiotensin I
